imageTotally unrelated to makeup, but this has turned my world upside down. Last night I received the most devastating news. My beloved Silas ran away the day I left for my travels (8/9) when he was moving to my parents house for them to take care of him while I was overseas. He was scared and jumped out of the car and ran into the creek. Words cannot express the amount of gratitude and appreciation I have for everyone who has been involved in searching for him. I am hoping and praying that if I can just get home and hear my voice, there is some chance he’ll magically return-but at this point, every effort has been exhausted. My sweet parents and friends have gone to great lengths to do everything they could while I was away, including keeping me in the dark so it wouldn’t ruin my trip. I can’t bare that he’s not going to be there when I get home from London tomorrow. I know some of you didn’t like him, but that little dude was the light of my life-a source of so much of my joy and happiness, the center of my little world. My heart has shattered into a million aching pieces. I love you so very much moof-you will be with me always. 💔😿🙌🏼✨praying for a miracle.