As some of you may have seen, I was traveling abroad at the end of August. I was so thankful to get out of the Texas heat and travel to the other side of the globe and to expand my horizons with one of my dear friends, Merritt Beck, of The Style Scribe, who is […]
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I have been lucky enough in life to have grown up with a handful of friends since kindergarten and have been to elementary, highschool and college with them. Philip Edsel has been one of them. It has been so cool to see where life has taken us all and I am so proud of who […]
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What an honor it was to spend my morning with the lovely Fenves women! I was so excited to do their makeup for President Fenves’ Inauguration at The University. Such a fun experience! Thank you for letting me be a part of your family’s special day! xoK
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Brides of Austin Magazine Launches tonight. Can’t wait to see the rest of my work in print! “As excited as we are to share our very first cover, we’re equally elated to share our stunning wedding fashion editorial captured by the talented Mint Photography at the beautiful Four Seasons Hotel Austin. Our team is still […]
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So excited to see My All-American! This was the movie where I was an additional makeup artist for the extras last summer. Lots of Austinites in the film, including my family! I had such an amazing time working and learning so much from Jacenda Burkett Hanna, Sheila, Jessica and Missy Nyberg on my first movie. […]
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